Nation/nationality: Belgica/Belgium/Belgian

11 items in this category
Willem Key engraving

47. Willem Key

What faces of people the hand of Key, learned in painting, expressed, so that you could believe you were looking at them! – if however, you except one, Mor, in my opinion the Belgians do not fear to be found wanting because of anyone’s skill.  Continue Reading 47. Willem Key


Jan van Scorel engraving

41. Jan van Scorel

Through all centuries I shall be said to have been the first to have taught by my example the excellent Belgians to be envious of Rome in painting.  For he is not worthy of the honour of a true artist, who does not use up a thousand pencils and pigments, and paint pictures in that school. Continue Reading 41. Jan van Scorel


Mathys Cock engraving

35. Mathys Cock

You too, Matthias, knew how to paint fields in such a way, that our age has scarcely produced your equal.  Therefore, if you too are considered among the artists whom Belgium honours with immortal praise, not only fraternal piety grants this to you, but also the praise justly due to your skill. Continue Reading 35. Mathys Cock


Pieter Coecke van Aelst engraving

31. Pieter Coecke van Aelst

You were a painter, but, Pieter, you were not only a painter, you who made your Aelst more known to the world by this skill.  But there was much skill in addition, born to you by much labour.  Its office was to build beautiful houses.  Serlio taught this to the Italians, then you, bilingual interpreter of Serlio, taught the Belgians and the French. Continue Reading 31. Pieter Coecke van Aelst


Jan van Amstel engraving

29. Jan van Amstel

The proper praise of Belgians is to paint fields well; that of Italians to paint men or gods.  Nor is it surprising: not without reason is the Italian said to have his brain in his head, [while] the Belgian [has his] in his active hand. Jan’s hand, then, preferred to paint fields well, than for his head to know poorly either men or gods. Continue Reading 29. Jan van Amstel


Bernaert van Orley engraving

19. Bernaert Van Orley

That the Court of Brussels boasts of its nursling Bernaert, most skilled in painting Attalian garments, is not so much due (if anyone wants to argue while I am judging) to the painter’s skill (although it is also due to his skill) as it is to [the fact] that he was dear to you, Margaret ruler of the Belgians, since nothing is more delightful to you than the art of Apelles.  By your gift, he often got golden handles for his paintbrushes, and gold coins, in recently minted currency. Continue Reading 19. Bernaert Van Orley
