Etching and engraving
Signed ‘Hh exc.’ by Hendrick Hondius, attributed to Simon Frisius
20.6 x 12.2 cm
Transcription of Inscription:
Momperi Campos, recreantes lumina Flores,
Et Montes, Fontes data bene docta manus,
Flumina quaéque ruunt celso de vertice saxi,
Et scopulos, Rupes, praecipitésque Vias.
Translation of Inscription:
Joos de Momper of Antwerp, painter.
The well-taught hand of Momper offers fields, flowers that refresh the eyes,1 and mountains [and] fountains, also rivers which rush from the high peak of a stone, and cliffs, rocks, and headlong paths.
Orenstein 1996, Frisius no. 150; Hollstein 2008 no.170
Grove Art Online biography
- cf. note on the text for 81. Hendrick van Cleef