References and Acknowledgements

[1] The term “verre églomisé” would not have been used during the Renaissance, as the now-popular French name was not coined until the eighteenth century.

[2] Ebenhoech, R. & Tammen, S. “Wearing Devotional Books.” [Unpublished Manuscript]. As Ms. Ebenhoech points out in her paper, there are no known extant examples of book-shaped pendants prior to the middle of the sixteenth century, as this kind of jewelry seems to have become suddenly popular starting around 1500.

[3] Ebenhoech, R. (2015, September-October). [Emails and personal conversations].

[4] Forrer, R. (1942). Silberne Zier-Anhänger in Buchform aus der Zeit der Renaissance. Pro Arte, 1(6), 5-8.

I wish to thank the following scholars for their help:

  • Kirstin Kennedy, Curator of Metalwork at the Victoria and Albert Museum, for taking time to show us similar objects in the V&A collection, and for sharing her insight on our object.
  • Romina Ebenhoech, PhD candidate in art history at the University of Giessen, Germany, for generously sharing her original and very helpful research on, and images of, book-shaped pendants of the Renaissance. (Ms. Ebenhoech’s provisional thesis title is “Bücher tragen. Miniaturbuchanhänger des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Schmückende Pretiosen, Bücher, Miniaturen und Medien der Andacht.“)
  • Ayla Lepine, for aiding with the selection of this object.