2 items in this category
west african loom pulley in the Cortauld's gallery

It All Comes Together: Installing The Guro Loom Pulley

After weeks of research, proofreading, soliciting the opinions of experts in West African carving, textiles and craft and meetings with the web designer, marketing team and mount maker, the project has eventually come together with the final installation of the pulley. Gathering in the gallery early on the morning of the 4th of June with…


Woven indigo Cloth

Researching The Guro Loom Pulley: An Anthropologist In An Art Gallery

With a background in the anthropology of craft work in West Africa and having spent time in a weaving workshop in Ghana, choosing the Guro loom pulley as the focus of my research at The Courtauld was relatively straightforward. As a tool used to make cloth, I was familiar with the way the loom pulley…
