Lion Symbol of Mark the Evangelist.
Lion Symbol of Mark the Evangelist.
Jacob’s Ladder An abbreviated iconography of the scene with Jacob and three angels. In the Orthodox Church, this episode is considered a prefiguration (symbolic of an event in the future) of the Virgin.
Moses and the Burning Bush The Virgin Mary is present in the middle of the Old Testament scene of the Burning Bush. This adaptation reflects the Orthodox understanding that the episode involving Moses is a prefiguration (symbolic of the future) of the virgin birth of Christ.
The Raising of Lazarus A characteristic element of the scene is the man holding his nose against the stench while unwrapping the decaying body of Lazarus.
The Transfiguration Three different moments of the episode are shown: Christ and his disciples climbing up and then down Mount Tabor, and in the middle His Transfiguration in glory flanked by Elijah and Moses, while the disciples are hurled to the ground by the Divine Light.
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Hypapante in Greek) The scene is carved with the main figures of the episode: Symeon is about to receive Christ, who is held by the Virgin. The figures to the left are Prophetess Anna and Joseph.
King David Shown holding an open scroll.
King Solomon Shown holding an open scroll.
The Hospitality of Abraham A standard way of representing the Holy Trinity in the Orthodox world is in the form of the three angels that appeared to Abraham at Mamre.
The Nativity Formed by various episodes including the bath of the Child, which derives from pagan and imperial nativity scenes, and the temptation of Joseph by the devil disguised as an old shepherd.