Jan van Scorel (The 1572 Pictorum)

engraving of jan van scorel

Attributed to Johannes Wierix, 1572. 

Transcription of Inscription [Lampsonius]:

Primus ego egregios pictura invisere Romam
Exemplo docuisse meo per secula Belgas
Cuncta ferar ; neque enim iusti dignandus honore
Artificis, qui non graphidas, pigmentaque mille
Consumpsit, tabulasque schola depinxit illa1 

Translation of Inscription [Lampsonius]:

Jan van Scorel, Dutch painter. 
Through all centuries I shall be said to have been the first to have taught by my example the excellent Belgians to be envious of Rome in painting.  For he is not worthy of the honour of a true artist, who does not use up a thousand pencils and pigments, and paint pictures in that school.


  1. in the 1610 Pictorum, Lampsonius’ “in” before “illa” has been omitted. See Jan van Scorel’s 1610 portrait.