Charles Avery’s project

a watercolour painting of a seascape in black and white
Charles Avery
View Towards the Sea of Clarity
64 x 94 cm
Ink and watercolour on paper
© The artist

Charles Avery’s project began from a desire to find a space in which to express his ideas. Avery wanted to carry out his investigations into philosophy, literature and art within a focused yet large framework and found that the ‘space’ he desired rapidly took the shape of an island.

“I first came to the Island at the end of the great kelp rush, although I was not aware of that at the time. On the contrary, I had sought out this strange land with a view to being its discoverer.” – Charles Avery, The Islanders: An Introduction, 2005.

Avery wanted to carry out his investigations into philosophy, literature and art within a focused yet large framework.

The shape of the island may have been coincidental but it was also fortuitous; islands are physically contained, yet they also offer artists the opportunity to imagine infinite worlds within them.